Sunday, March 14, 2010

Parent-Teacher conference

Last week Logan had his second parent-teacher conference. In his classroom, there is a large round table with his three teachers sitting on one side with a stack of student files and on the other side there are a couple of chairs for the parents. As a parent, this is always an intimidating situation, filled with doubt and subtle hints of guilt, wondering if I've done my job as a mom to a preschooler.

His Spring Progress review was handed over, with bill sitting next to me and the boys at the next table over coloring. Each skill is rated with a NY (not yet), P (Progressing or sometimes) or an R (Ready or consistent).

For Autonomy/Social Skills, Work Habits, he scored a few "P's": sits among children remaining in own space, moves cooperatively from one activity to another, cleans up toys and materials.

This all sounded so familiar since he's like this at home, too. His teachers emphasized how Logan does not like to clean up and tends to dig his heals in when he decides he doesn't want to do something.

For Oral Language, he scored only one "P": Uses present and past verb tense.

I was relieved and almost shocked that his speech development was on track. This is totally my own mommy-guilt from when he was behind on his speech development before. Since then, I seem to be overly concerned that he's getting back to where he needs to be. I know exactly what he's saying, but still get concerned if I have to act as interpreter when he's talking to other adults (and sometimes kids). But, his Dr and his teachers aren't concerned in the least and say he's making great improvements.

For Children's Literature, he scored "P's on: retelling a story that has been read aloud including characters with a beginning and an ending, attends and listens to illustrated picture books, "reads"/tells a story using a picture book.

I thought these were interesting because he does this all the time at home, even if he tends to be restless. He's always reading to me or to Carter. But, maybe not a whole story.

On Emerging Literacy Skills, he scored one "P": colors a simple drawing staying within the lines.

This boy has never enjoyed art or coloring, and I've never pushed him to stay within the lines (other than on his tracing skills workbook). I'm not surprised at this result at all.

Mathematical Reasoning/Number Sense scores had "P's" on: continues a simple pattern, illustrates the concept of 'put together' and 'take away' with sets of 1-4 objects, names a circle, square and triangle.

We don't work on math skills much at home other than counting, so I suppose it's time to start thinking about math! However, he does know his shapes and I have no idea why he's confused about a square - which is the only shape he didn't name for them.

Orientation in Time and Space resulted in the first "NY" score: uses a schedule of daily activities represented in images to describe order of events during the day.

This. Is. My. Day. "what are we doing today? Where are we going? When are we eating? Is it lunchtime yet? Can I have a snack?" This is constant, no matter what I tell him or how I try to explain it.

In Scientific Reasoning, he scored a "P" on: names body parts.

Really? This is a surprise to me!

Music and Visual Arts scores were: "P" on imitates clapping sequence up to 3, cuts a straight line and "NY" on indicates the number of sounds heard up to 4 and draws simple stick figure.

Since I don't force him to do arts and crafts stuff, I wasn't aware of the fact that we didn't know how to draw a stick figure. We've been practicing much more and he hates it, but i still don't push.

In the comments section, his teachers wrote, "Logan enjoys learning and playing with the other children. He shares his ideas easily. We are looking forward to having Logan in class next year. Thank you for sharing him with us!"

His teachers assured me that Logan isn't behind or lacking in skill. His "P" and "NY" grades are developmental rates we shouldn't be concerned over. He's dong very well, has a lot of friends and is apparently quite popular.

It's a strange feeling to watch your kids grow up into their own person, and being responsible for their learning and development. There are so many highs and lows and constant wondering if you are doing enough as a parent. It's never perfect, but I think Logan's doing just fine.

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