Monday, June 29, 2009

Lazy summer

It was a weekend of chill. Nothing excited happened. We did get the baby pool blown up for the first time this summer for Carter. Logan wanted nothing to do with it. In fact, he wanted to sit in it without water. He even stomped around the back yard pouting because he didn't want water in there. Sigh. This three year old attitude will be a post later this week...

Anyway, Carter had a great time and I am kicking myself for not having the camera on hand. He got to go in naked-baby style, splashing and crawling with big smiles on his face. It was cute. I had him out there in the late afternoon so the water had a chance to warm up and his risk of sunburning was minimal. He was even brave enough to crawl around in the grass - something he hasn't wanted to do this whole summer until now.

But, yeah. That's about it. I will take a boring weekend over one filled with family dramatics any day. I have a couple of poems stirring around inside that I can't seem to get out. It's been a while since I've felt even remotely poetic. So, we'll see if they come to fruition....


the nervous mom said...

Know what ya mean about the crazy 3 year old antics.. geesh.
And it's so cool to say this- but yeah! the weather was gorgeous this past weekend!

Anonymous said...

i always write the best poetry with pen and paper...have you tried that yet? speaking of poetry, I found stuff that I wrote in 8th grade and I was such a tortured soul! Not in a black/gothic way, but in a 'love hath burned once, but it heals' kind of way.... ;)

Three year olds are an interesting creature, I will give them that much!

Kristin said...

I haven't even thought of that Kelly. I might try it! Honestly, I write poetry when I'm in the midst of some turmoil (much like your tortured years) or when I've had a few drinks ;)