Saturday, August 19, 2006

New town...updated blog.
Since our internet conection was established, our computer crashed. 10 times. Yeah. It sucked. We lost all of our music (over 20,000-30,000 songs) & Logans pictures. We burned his first 3 months on disc, so that's ok. However, most of his 3-6 months pics are lost. I've put the best of the best on PhotoBucket & I still had about 200 on the camera memory card. So, it could've been worse. We also had our desktop calendar & address book erased. Now I have to hunt down birth dates & addresses again. Fun.

Since we're doing "construction" on the hard drive, I figured this would be a good time to update the side bar. I'm going to add some new blogs to the blog roll. If you want to be added, just leave me a comment. I need new reading material since my bookmarks got erased as well. Plus, it's cool to see who's reading about Logan & our wacky life. I noticed a few new people that stopped to say Hi while we were moving. That's awesome :)

1 comment:

Reesh said...

Not new, but a fan I still remain of that sweet baby boy of yours who shares my daughters birthday.

And Yikes about losing all those photos!! My husband and I are going to back up our photos tonight!!