Monday, February 27, 2006

I have re-discovered the secret to keeping my sanity.
I've used this as a stress reliever for years. Why it's importance has taken a seat on the back burner, I can't say. However, right now it's so important, it's right up there with sleeping & eating. The daily shower.

It's so easy as a new mom to forget about all of the things I need to do to take care of myself, like eat, sleep & shower. It's strange because these are basic things. Like breathing. Before Logan, you would never catch me outside of the house, even in the driveway, without having had a shower. Now, there have been times where I haven't had one in 3 days. Gross, I know. But Mr. Fussy Fuss has been taking up quite a bit of my time.

I love the shower so much, I am a self proclaimed shower hog. It's been that way most of my life. So much, that my family knows that if they want a hot shower, they better get it done before I go in. Otherwise, it will be a quick cold one for them. I remember constantly getting yelled at as a kid to get out of the shower, when it seemed as though I was only in there for a few minutes. I was in there for an hour. When Bill & I bought our house, I was all about upgrades in the bathroom. I wanted it to look like a spa. Other than not being able to add jets to the tub (we passed the add on date), it really does feel like a spa. After the construction was complete & we signed our closing papers, I remember standing in the master bath with Bill, crying & crying. I was so happy that we had a beautiful house & a wonderful shower. I kept thanking him for all of his hard work & long hours so that we could have a house like this. The shower is by far my favorite place in the house.

The shower is my escape from life. A place where I'm alone in my thoughts (I actually do my best thinking in there). A place where the moist heat relaxes every muscle in my body. A place where my stress runs down the drain with the peppermint shampoo. Since my re-discovery, I've tried to make it more of a priority. I've noticed that the nightly fussy times are much easier & I'm a little more sane if I've had a shower that day. To get one in during the day is a trick though.

After I had fed, changed & rocked Logan to sleep one evening, I thought that I might have enough time to slip away into my peppermint bliss before Bill got home from work. Logan was asleep in the bassinet in our bedroom & I figured that if he woke up, the sound of the running water might put him back to sleep. Just as I put a glob of shampoo on my head, he woke up. He didn't go back to sleep either. As he cried a blood piercing scream, I hurried as fast as I could to get clean & get out. Forget about shaving that day. I might as well become a hippy on that note. I got out & dried off, picked him up, only to notice baby tears streaming down his face. This was the first time I had seen tears from him. He was so upset that I left him. I figured that I would never be able to shower during the day again.

Now it's become a balancing act of priorities. Sleep in or shower? Yesterday morning I showered after I fed Logan & put him back down to sleep. It was about 6:30 or 7:00. I took a long relaxing break in there, after having been up every 2 hours to feed him that night. I even had time to fold laundry afterward. I was dead tired though. Relaxed, but still exhausted. And as the days go on & Logan becomes more aware & awake, naps are becoming more of a rarity. There are other things that I need to do though, like shower.


the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

I think the presence of actual liquid tears gives these buggers an unfair advantage. Actually, it just helps keep their tear ducts nice and clean, but doesn't do anything for a guilty mommy complex.

You *will* be able to shower one day! He will nap longer than 20 minutes at some point, LOL!
BTW, I still have to do "ho-baths" (where I sit and stick my head under the faucet and quickly soap off and rinse as the toddler periodically comes in to check out what I'm doing) but hey, I'll take what I can get!

One final note about showers: In labor, I spent THREE HOURS in the shower at the hospital. They had to drag me out bodily and ply me with preheated towels to get me out long enough to put me back on the fetal monitor.

Avorie said...

Oh, I totally understand. I LOVE hot showers. They are actually better than baths and I can stand in the shower forever!

I've also opted for a shower instead of an extra 45 minutes of sleep. It helps me relax and I feel more human. Before Lilly arrived, you'd never catch me without a shower. It was the first thing I did each morning - no matter what (even if I was dog sick). Now, I still get a shower every day, but it might not be until noon or even later.

Corinne said...

I wish I enjoyed showers as much... I'm more of a bath person, but still... I understand how much better you feel after a shower. I still remember how much more human I felt in the hospital once I had a shower, and then when I got home, showering for the first time... both of those times made me feel normal again. :)