Monday, June 05, 2006

Logans' 4 month check up.
I felt so much better about going to his check up this morning, compared to his last visit when I was in tears over him getting vaccinated. I told Bill that based on Logans' reaction, I didn't feel comfortable with going though that again. There was a bit of discussion with Bill saying that he felt like we were doing Logan a disservice by not vaccinating. If he had spent the time researching the topic & providing me with some material to go over, I probably would've taken him a bit more seriously. Seeing as though I've been the one researching everything, I felt like I had more of an opinion about the matter & I was sticking to my guns. "I'm his mom & I feel like I really know what's best for him. I may not know when to stop swaddling him or whatever, but this is something I feel very strong about" I said back.

We got to the office & had to wait for a while. We're ususally late to these appointments, but we were early this time. Logan did well, but got a little fussy. All I had to do was get him out of his car seat so he could watch the other kids around him. He's definitely a people watcher.

We were called back by the nurse & she got his vitals measured. He weighed 13.72 lbs (19%) & measured 25.5 inches (70%). His head was 15.34 (5%). He's not as big as I thought he was, but he sure is as tall as I thought.

While we waited for the Doctor to come in I had Logan on my lap. He was talking up a storm! It was so funny. He would talk to Bill from across the room. We sat there laughing as the Doctor walked in.

She checked him out & took a look at his rash. It's eczema. Lovely. Bills family has a lot of history with this. Logan developed a little patch on his forehead (but was told by the last Doctor that it was baby acne. I never believed her). Now, it's all over his body. I had been giving him a bath every other day because of it, but the Doctor said it would be ok to give him a bath everyday. We just need to use a thick moisturizer.

She also talked to us about his sleeping habits. She said that he's old enough & gaining enough weight to try & skip a feeding at night. After we get that down, then try to wean him from the binky. He should be a good sleeper after this. It sounded like a good idea to me!

When she was looking him over, she talked about how strong he was & that he was going to be an early crawler. So we have to start child proofing the house now! She mentioned that she could tell he was really smart, just by looking at him. The whole time we're talking Logan is trying to join in on the conversation. We all had a few good chuckles.

Then came the topic of vaccinations. When we brought Logan in for his 2 week check up, we saw Dr. "B". I talked to her for a bit about this, mentioning how I wanted to avoid the combos. She told me that wasn't an option. Dr. "B" moved & for Logans' 2 month check up we saw a different Dr. "B". We talked at length about his vaccinations & she convinced me that we should go through with it. That's when Logan slept for an entire week, shrieking in his sleep. So now we're seeing Dr. "F", who saw him when we went in for his food sensitivities. I told her about Logans' reaction & that I wasn't comfortable with going thought all of that again. She then talked about giving him single dose vaccinations...what I wanted to do from the beginning! She said that it was probably the Pertussis that caused this reaction & recommended just the DT (Diphtheria, Tetanus) shot. I didn't know what to think, seeing as though I was mentally prepared to not go through with it. But, I had an open mind & was convinced last time. I told Dr. "F", that I was willing to do one shot & if he had another reaction, then I would make different decisions. This seemed like a good compromise between Bill & myself. It made me sad to move because I realized how much I like Dr. "F". She was willing to customize his treatment & took me seriously, while looking out for Logan at the same time. Finding a good Doctor is hard. Now that we've found one, I don't want to leave her.

The nurse came in & gave Logan one shot. He cried for literally 2 seconds. Then he was ok. He hasn't been sleepy at all, with smiles & his usual grumpy monkey (as I like to say now) attitude when he tries to fight taking a nap. So, it seems like he'll be fine & I feel so relieved.


Jezer said...

Oh, the right doctor makes ALL the difference! I'm so glad you found someone who was willing to customize Logan's care, but I'm sad that you'll not get to stay with this Dr.

Your posts are very honest and heart-felt. Thanks for sharing your life.

Anonymous said...

I have been 'lurking' for months now but I had to speak up to agree with the previous commenter. Your posts are written so well -- I feel your joy and your pain -- and I feel like you're a great friend.

Logan is a beautiful little boy and your love for him just radiates from the screen when you talk about him.

Thanks for sharing your life and your experiences with us! The best thing I've learned from blogging is that friendship and support is available any time, even if only virtually. =)


Jack's Mommy said...

Sorry to hear about Logan's eczema .. Jack has eczema too and it has taken me months to find the right combination of soaps, lotions and detergents so that his skin does not get irritated. Hopefully they grow out of it!
Good luck.

Kristin said...

Thanks for the great comments ladies :)
& thanks for comming out of lurkdom Debra!