Friday, June 02, 2006

Logan feels grass for the first time.
Yesterday afternoon we took a family walk as we waited for the pot roast for dinner to finish cooking. We were just planning on walking the neighborhood, so I didn't bring the camera. We walked by one of the parks that is close to home & decided to sit on the grass & hang out for a bit. The weather was warm (unlike the hail storm from the day before) & there was a mild wind that Logan loved.

I sat Logan on my lap & let his bare feet brush up against the grass. He looked at it & looked at his feet & kicked a little. Then Bill stood him up for a while. Logan didn't want to sit down & stood for as long as his little strong legs could hold him up (which was quite a while). Finally he sat down.

He had this look of extreme concentration. It was pretty funny. He rubbed his hands against the blades of grass & drooled away (I call it his "learning drool"). Pretty soon he was grabbing it by the handful & having fun, sticking his tongue out in the wind. He was so cute, I really should bring the camera everywhere we go.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's so much fun watching kids discover things for the first time.