Friday, June 16, 2006

The week of mental limbo.
It's been slow & I feel like I'm in limbo. I hate limbo. We're planning on getting the house up on the market this weekend, at best. With crunching the numbers, we need to sell & fast. If the house doesn't sell by August, then it's back to work for me (or if we happen to come across an extra $800 a month). I'm not very happy about this & I'm really hoping for the miracle that it's going to take to make it happen.

I have a lot of different feelings about this & none of them are positive. I've trimmed the budget down as much as we could (surprised at how much we could cut out) & selling the house is the last step. We will have sacrificed everything in order for me to still stay at home with Logan. Just the thought of sending him to daycare kills me & makes me sick to my stomach.

There is still a little bit of hope that I'm hanging on to. I have a month. A month to either enjoy my time while it lasts & savor every moment of singing the alphabet & rolling around on the floor, or a month to wait for that "something" that's supposed to happen. The plan. The "everything happens for a reason". I hope with every cell of my body that it all works out. I'm trying my best to go with the flow. I keep telling myself that I need to continually learn how to be flexible. Life happens & there's really no controlling it. I have to do what I have to do.

I feel like I'm lost in the woods & have been crushed by a boulder. Here I am waiting for the rescue team to lift it off & get me free. I wait. And wait. Days & nights pass & I run through all of the possibilities & outcomes in my head. I ration the small amounts of food & water that I can get. I realize at some point that if I want to live, I'm going to have to cut off my leg.

Sending Logan to daycare is like cutting off my leg. It's the most painful thing I can think of doing. I'm waiting until the very last second to do it.


Reesh said...

Ahhh sweety, you poor thing! I too would not be happy about having to send Lily to daycare. Perhaps while you are really enjoying this time you could be researching daycares so if you do have to return to the workforce, you'll at least have picked out the best possible daycare for Logan.

Enjoy your time and vent vent vent on this blog, don't hold it in, let it out girl,let it out!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time. Maybe you won't have to do it. Maybe it will all work out.

But if it doesn't, maybe it'll just be for a little while. Or part time. Part time may not be so bad.

The first day my oldest stayed at the sitter was awful. Truly. But it did get better. And I really didn't have a choice. I was in the same situation you're facing. And that babysitter has become a wonderful addition to my children's lives.

Canadian Mommy said...

I don't know about where you live, but the markets are crazy. Now is the best time of year to sell too!
Your house will sell fast I am sure. Keep your chin up!

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

I feel for you. I thought I'd be ready when D turns 18 months and is ready to go to his new preschool in SLC, but I'm thinking more and more that my opposite situation (which is that I can't find a job, and thus can't afford preschool) is a blessing in disguise.

Your needs will be met--trust in that. I'll pray for you if you want.