Monday, June 12, 2006

On our way to better sleep!

Things are progressing (granted, slowly) towards all of us getting a good night's sleep. Ever since Logans' pediatrician told us that we can stop his middle of the night nursing, he's been sleeping longer. It's taking a little bit of time & we're still working on it, but it's exciting.

He still has a strict 8 pm bedtime. He'll nurse between 6 & 7, then I read & sing to him. I still swaddle him & he still needs his binky. He no longer freaks out because he's escaped his swaddle. It's more like he freaks out because he's practically doing summersaults in his crib & gets stuck in some funky position. If his binky falls out (& usually ends up underneath the crib), after a while he's content with chewing on his blanket or sucking on his hands.

He pretty much goes right to sleep (usually). He nurses again around 10 or 11 if he even wakes up. If he doesn't, I go to bed. If he wakes up before midnight, I'll nurse him again. If he doesn't, I'll push him to 5 or 6 am by giving him his binky & putting him back to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up around 2 & 4 am. I've been letting him cry it out for a little bit & unless he gets hysterical (which means he's stuck somewhere), it's not bad at all. He can usually get himself back to sleep now.

This is really starting to work out. There have been one or two nights where he slept through the night & I was left feeling like I was going to explode. Sometimes I worry about how this is going to affect milk production & I hope the supply keeps up. I still want to nurse him for another 6 months (if he doesn't get teeth & bite).


Unknown said...

Don't worry, your supply will be fine! Amelia usually nurses to sleep around 11 or so and wakes up sometimes at 7:30 (not always) and my milk supply is fine. Those mornings, I'm soooo engorged it's painful. Plus I also wake up in a pile of milk no matter what nursing pads I stick in my bra.

Anonymous said...

Oh, look at him holding his paci. Too cute!

Glad to hear you're sleeping better! Here's hoping it lasts.

Good news in our household, too. I think my youngest is finally sleeping through the night. Will it discourage you if I tell you he's almost 3?

the boyd girls.... said...

Well, Caroline turned 6 months last Fri and I swear that that day, my milk supply got low. Everyone told me this would happen, but I have had so much milk I never listened to anyone. So today I tried a bottle (of milk I pumped and froze a while back) and she wouldn't take it. Then tonight Jeff tried to give her formula for a little extra before her bedtime "nursing" and she screamed! I planned to nurse for 10 months and then start dropping feedings so that I would nurse once in the morning and once at night and the rest bottles (esp since we are going to the beach soon) but now I don't know what to do! So, I guess what I am getting at is be flexible! You never know whats going to happen!

Kristin said...

Oh Lord, Alissa! I'm glad it's happening now, but I really hope Logan sleeps through sooner than that!

Ashley said...

I really believe your milk supply will be fine. When Paisley started sleeping through the night, my boobs hurt so bad in the morning. I found that after awhile, everything tends to adjust and the mornings are fine. I only nurse her about 4 times a day, but my supply is fine, and the baby seems happy with what she's getting. Then again, everyone is different...have you asked your pediatrician about it?

Good job on his sleeping. Life has been SO MUCH BETTER since P has slept through the night.

Anonymous said...

Your milk supply will be just fine!! At first you are engorged, but then your body adjusts to no nightime feedings and it won't hurt anymore. My 5-month old has been sleeping thru the night for a couple of months now (8:30 PM - 6 or 6:30 AM) and I have more milk then I know what to do with!!