Wednesday, March 01, 2006

He is his fathers son.
Logan is so much like Bill it's scary. Not only did we create a "mini me" for him in looks, but in mannerisims as well. It's kind of strange to have a clone in the house.

I know all babies have the startle reflex. You keep them swaddled up tight so they don't wake themselves up at night. Well, Bill still has this reflex. He doesn't wake up & maybe at this age they call it something else, but he has always been "active" in his sleep. Logan has always been a kicker, ever since I could feel him at 17 weeks. I used to call him my Olympic soccer player/martial artist. He would beat the crap out of me on a daily basis. I look at him now & recognize every motion that he makes thinking, "I remember you doing that to me at 2 am"! Now I watch the two of them together at night, moving & kicking away, almost in unison. It's a father & son synchronized sleeping dance. Sometimes I wonder if they share the same brain.

Not only do they move alike when they are sleeping, but they sound alike too. Bill has this annoying habit of moaning in his sleep. It gets worse if he's stressed out. Sometimes it's so bad I have to elbow him in the back to get him to stop. Earlier this week, I noticed Logan doing the same thing. I kept asking myself, "Is this normal baby stuff, or did Logan pick up Bill's moaning too"? He moans, grunts, cries & laughs in his sleep. Actually, it's pretty cute, but now I get the moaning in surround sound. It's going to be interesting to watch Logan grow up. I wonder how much is he going to be like Bill?


Corinne said...

Goodness... Shepherd does the same thing. Last night, he grunted all night in his sleep. Either he picked this up from his dad, or he has a major BM that he's working on... I guess we'll see later this morning!!!

Reesh said...

Halarious!! And yes, it seems most babies make a ton of noise when they sleep. So much so that we have considered more than once ix-naying this whole co-sleeping thing. Luckily I seem to be able to tune the grunts out more easily now.

Avorie said...

Funny! Hubby is always compairing things he does to the things Lilly does. For example, Lilly is extremly vocal. She makes all sorts of noises most of the time. Hubby says she gets it from him and proceeded to demonstrate how he grunts and groans everytime he moves. There are reall similarities though. They both have the same tickle spots and react the same way. It so nice for him to see how similar she is to him.