Monday, March 20, 2006

Breast milk is the fertilizer to my growing weed.
Logan is growing at a rapid pace. He had consistently leaky diapers for the last few days, so we bumped him up a size, to size 1. They look so big on him, but no more leaks. Man, up a size already. We decided to introduce the bottle to him this weekend too. I wanted to have a glass of wine with dinner & we didn't want to wait too long to start bottle feeding. I pumped on Saturday night & it didn't work out so well. I only got a 1/2 oz. I was having some letdown issues. So, no wine with dinner that night. After doing a little research on Baby Center, I tried again on Sunday night. It was much better. I got about 4 oz. that time. Not only did I have to be relaxed & comfortable, but to help letdown I had to think about Logan the whole time. Not that I don't think about him all of the time anyway, but it was a little strange. Bill fed him & it went well. No rejection from Logan & Bill made it look really easy. It was cute to see him with Logan like that. I'm really happy that Bill could be the first person to feed him.

These two events made me a little sad though. With Logan going up a size in diapers, it made me realize that he's not going to be little for long. The newborn stage is such a short period of time! However, the bottle feeding was a little more sad. It was a step towards less dependance on me. It will be nice to not worry about getting home at a certain time if we go out for dinner or if I want to sleep in on the weekend, Bill can take over, but I view breast feeding as a special time for us. It's an incredible bonding experience that only the two of us share. Now I'm giving a part of that up.

My big fear is now when family members come over, they'll demand that I pump so they can feed him...the whole time they're there. This goes along the same lines as the "crazy over protective" feeling. When they were here before, I hardly held Logan at all. He was taken hostage & I only got him when it was time for him to eat. I'm afraid that I won't even have that time now. I'm afraid that I'll be totally pushed away, completely out of the picture. I'm imagining a complete take over. I get the feeling of "What do we need you for now"? I know I'm being irrational, but if this does happen, I will have a freak out. I won't hold back on this one like I have in the past. The hard part is, this is the first of many steps towards independence for Logan. I'm going to have to face these feelings time & time again for many years. I don't think it's going to get any easier either.


the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

I pumped a few times speicifcally so that my SIL could feed D, but that was a gift, and she knew it.

If you don't want to pump so they can feed them, la Leche will tell you that feeding directly from the breast is always better than pumping because the baby's sucking mechanism promotes more milk production, and pumping doesn't always do this. So you can find a phisiological reason to get your way!!

Good luck!

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

That should have been "so they can fee him"...and I think I misspelled physiological. Oops, sorry.

Unknown said...

I am worried about the same thing, and I haven't even had the baby yet. Especially since my in-laws are coming to stay with us for 2 weeks when the baby comes- I'm worried I'll have to fight them tooth and nail to hold the baby. I'm kind of counting on breastfeeding to "claim" my baby back.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about holding the baby!

Kristin said...

I'm actually thinking about saying that I don't want to increase the risk of ear infections. Bill wants to feed him every night before he goes to bed, which is totally cool, but I think we'll have to keep that on the DL.

Anonymous said...

How did you time the pumping so as not to inerfere with feeding him? Did you pump right after he ate or an hour later? I've pumped a couple of times, but it seems like my son (1 month) wants to eat right after I pump and I worry that I took all the milk! I'm still having a problem getting more than an ounce (or less).

My mom came to visit when my baby was 2 weeks old and she really wanted me to pump so she could feed him from a bottle, at 2 weeks! The holding thing, OMG! We went to see lots of my husband's family and as soon as we pulled into the driveway my MIL swooped into the car and took Miles away and I didn't hold him again all day unless I was feeding him. It was crazy. At least it was just the one day...

Anonymous said...

Wow, things to think about. I wasn't planning on brest feeding per say, hoping that maybe I could just pump. Afraid of the wear and tear on the brests :-) guess I need to re-think it :-)

Kristin said...

Hey Jenn,
When I was having problems pumping, I fed Logan 1st & didn't give myself enough time to build supply back up. That & I wasn't being patient with letdown.

Now I feed him, wait an hour & a half to 2 hours & pump. For easier letdown, I thought about Logan (I even made up a lullaby for him that I'll post pretty soon) & just really focused on him eating or sleeping. I think being relaxed is important because I pumped again last night for Bill to feed & I felt rushed because Logan woke up early. I got an ounce & a half less this time.

I've read that pumping can be difficult because a baby is more efficient at extracting milk than a pump. Some women can't even pump for that reason alone. It just doesn't work out for them. I suppose, much like breast feeding, it takes time, practice & patience.

Baby Center & have been great resources for me when it comes to anything about breast feeding.