Friday, March 17, 2006

Why do little boys think poop is so funny?
Logan is quite happy these days. He smiles all of the time now. He's really happy in the mornings when he wakes up, after he's had his breakfast. I take him upstairs to get him changed & he's all excited looking up at me on the table. In the afternoon when he wakes up from his nap (in the swing, because at this point he hates his crib), he actually wakes up with a smile on his face.

He also has a favorite word. Poop. Yes, he truly is a little boy. He thinks the word is the funniest thing ever. I tell him we're going to change his poopy diaper, he smiles & wiggles all over. I swear, I'm going to buy him the book "Everybody Poops". I never thought I would, but apparently Logan will get a kick out of it. I told Bill about this last night when he got home. We all went upstairs to get Logan ready for bed & I told him what we were doing. I mentioned the word "poop" & he had the biggest grin on his face. Bill just busted up laughing.

Logan also thinks it's pretty funny to play tricks on me. Especially when it comes to poop. After I feed him, I've learned to take a few minutes to let his stomach settle & give him time to digest. Often I wait for 20 minutes or more telling him that "I'm waiting for the burps & the poops to come out". Once I think he's ready, I get him changed. With his clean diaper on, I start to button up the onesie & what does he do? He poops! Of course he's smiling as I get him undressed asking him why he plays tricks on me like that. I also tell him that he better not do this too often because his Dad works hard to pay for diapers & wipes. If he keeps it up, I'm going to put him to work.

Aside from poop, Logan started "talking" yesterday. I've been talking to him all day long ever since we came home from the hospital. Now he's catching on & responding. It's amazing to watch him grow & learn new things. It's really fun to have "baby conversations" with him. I'm hoping that he'll do the same things with Bill this weekend. I get to see Logan grow, teach him new things & just be with him. Bill on the other hand is totally missing out on almost everything because he's a hostage at the gym. It would be nice if he had a 9 to 5, Monday through Friday kind of job. Maybe we'll win the lottery or something like that someday. One can only hope.


Jezer said...

Yes, there is definitely a thing about boys and poop. Alex will poop his diaper, look at me, and grin wildly. It's hilarious.

Your Logan is gorgeous.

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

Stealth poops are the worst!! D used to wait until he was in the carseat, all ready to go and then RRRIP!