Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Even the computer is sick
Logan had a cold last week. As usual, it wasn't a big deal. He was a trooper (for the most part) & somewhat tolerated me chasing after him with a Kleenex all day long. We missed playgroup. We stayed inside to make sure he had a full recovery before exposing anyone else or being exposed to something again.

Logan is the sharing type of kid. Last night I started to feel a little gross. This morning I woke up with a cold, that really? Feels like a sinus infection. Wonderful. So we missed a baby shower this morning because my nose was on the fritz. I was bummed because showers & parties with MOMS Club are the times that I bake something yummy. I was going to make homemade donuts. Oh well, maybe next time.

So here's Logan with a little bit of a runny nose & me with half of my face & ear feeling like it's going to burst from my head. Then there's the computer.

Yesterday I was trying to work, writing up another fitness program. The computer crashed, no joke, every five minutes. I felt like I was going to rip out my hair, tear off my fingernails & scream bloody murder. It was incredibly frustrating.

With the hair still on my hear & the nails still on my fingers, Bill came home for lunch. He said he would watch Logan (or listen for him during his nap) & try to figure out what was up while I went to go take a long hot shower. He couldn't figure it out.

He got home from work last night & ran a few virus protection programs. Our computer was infested with 26 viruses, multiple trojan horses, spyware & whatever else you never want to see in your computer systems. Bill cleaned it out & thought it was fine.

Then it started again this morning. Bill thinks we might just have to reformat. I just want to chuck this thing out the window. It's too bad we really aren't in the market for a new computer.


Jake Silver said...

First there was my weekend fun with the Staph infection, now my son and wife are sick with a throw-up type something. Poor boy keeps puking but other than that he acts fine. Maybe it's the teeth? And our computer sucks, too.

Jen said...

okay, not to completely whore out my husband.....but he's a computer nerd for a living. So, if you need a little professional help, drop me a note!

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

Oh, sweetie. I wish I could send you a new computer for all you've done for me! Hope you, Logan and the compy all feel better soon.

Kristin said...

I've been totally slacking on my blog commenting this week & meant to comment about your shaving incident. I hope you & the rest of the fam get well soon!

And Jen-
Bill did some more stuff last night & it seems great now. I told him about your offer this morning. If it crashes anymore, I will totally email you!

Thanks :) I hope your legs aren't completely shot yet!