Saturday, February 24, 2007

First a black eye & now a fat lip
It's funny how I look back & think about how I felt about Logan & the "baby crash helmet". "Ha, ha, ha. That's pretty funny", I giggled. Well now it might be a serious thought. That or a padded white room.

First Logan runs around, trips & falls into the bookcase, giving himself his first back eye (that healed pretty quick). Today he was running around, trips & falls onto his activity table, giving himself his first bloody fat lip.

He cried & I picked him up, noticing blood streaming out of his mouth. His two bottom teeth cut his bottom lip. I tried to keep a cold washcloth on his lip while wiping up the blood. Yeah, right. What was I thinking? Like a toddler who even though is bleeding rivers out of his mouth wants to stop running around, pestering the animals.

After the blood stopped, I let him down to continue his crazy clumsy boy antics. He tried to pick up his activity table by himself & drag it across the room. He STOOD on his sit & spin, trying to turn it by himself & keep his balance (just like on a wobble board or skate board!). He also tried to pick that up, as he was standing on it. He ended up doing the stunt-man roll a couple of times, but wasn't phased at all. He then proceeded to beat the cat after telling him a million times to be nice.

What have I gotten myself into?


Reesh said...

Yikes! Is this what I have to look forward to or is it a boy thing?

We were sharing childhood injury stories last night, the ones where you break body parts and take skin off of the worst places, like the inside of your lip somehow. We all joked about how I guess one day our kid's are going to come to us all bloody and broken and how hard it's going to be. It's amazing to look back at some of our injuries and recount them like they never hurt at all. Then I thought about my parents and what they must have gone thru each time. Now it's our turn I guess, and I'm not so sure I'm ready for it!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! OMG I was laughing so much while reading this! The crash helmet idea gets better by the day, doesn't it? My god, Kira is ALWAYS bumping her head or her face into something. No bloody lips yet, but I'm SURE it can't be too far off!

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation, eventually they gain better control of their bodies, and while the daredevil activities only get more nerve-wracking, they hurt themselves less. I know, because I have 2 that are just like you're describing!

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

OMG this post takes me back to a year ago. The good news (??) is, once they start talking a lot--at least in our case--the constant chatter seems to slow down the gross motor a bit. D's still really active, but NOTHING like he was a year ago, when he was a small human perpetual motion machine!

Ashley said...

I think Logan and Paisley need to get together and play. She does stuff like that ALL THE TIME. I thought she wouldn't because she's a girl, but she's not scared of anything. Except the car wash. She stands on her rocking chair and wiggles back and forth, on the ottoman that glides, the coffee table...has cut herself numerous times. And the cats? Totally know what you mean. She thinks it's really funny when they bite and hit her. She and Logan sound like the perfect match.