Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our turn
Tonight is the night that we take our turn for the Valentines Day babysitting swap. We'll call our little friend "Little L". Little L is coming over to play with Logan, Kitty & Buddha. We'll eat lots of food (a ton of goldfish crackers, I'm sure), read lots of stories & probably play a lot of hide & go seek. It's going to be interesting to see how Logan feels about Little L coming over to his house to play. I'm betting that I'll have some great stories to tell.

We had a MOMS Club meeting today where Logan had the bejesus scared out of him. A new member joined & her older toddler son (3 years old?) is quite a screamer. He screamed in Logan's ear on more than one occasion. Logan cried a whole lot. He's not used to someone screaming a high pitched, blood curling scream at all, let alone in his ear. He didn't want to get off my lap to play with his friends Little L & Little N. I felt bad for him. So we sat by our friend Little N & his mom the whole time. Which is fine, we like them a lot.

I was telling Little N's mom about the date night swap that Little L's mom & I were doing (OK, this is sounding confusing). She thought it sounded great & offered to swap a night too. So now I have two friends that are nice & their kids are great & they will babysit for free. This is awesome.


Jake Silver said...

we're doing the same thing! the DSes will watch tate on friday and we'll watch izzy sat or sun (it's a 3 day weekend)

liz said...


I'm babysitting tonight, myself. And on Saturday, we have a sitter and we're going out!

Double WOOT!