Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On the road to recovery
Man, has this been a crappy week so far. Yesterday Logan started to feel better, then out of nowhere, pukes all over the place. I was on my death bed & Bill had to go to work. Fortunately, he took the rest of the day off & took care of the both of us.

He was a genius & remembered that I had left over medication from the pregnancy. It wasn't the wonder-drug zofran, that literally saved my life & Logan's; but the reglan that I tried at first & it didn't work. Well, it worked last night. After Logan went to bed, I took one & was out like a light & not worshiping the bathroom like a holy temple.

I slept on the couch the whole night. Logan woke up at 5 am, I tried to get him back down. He relaxed until about 6:30 am. I got him up to nurse & cuddle on the couch. He wasn't going for it. After being hysterical for half an hour, I just put him back in his crib. He slept until about 7:30 am.

After that, he seemed to be OK. I was feeling better, albeit, very, very, very sore. I had enough energy (barely) to clean the bathroom & do some laundry. Then, after lunch, Logan hurls again. Bill seems to have been spared, so far.

It seems like just when Logan's feeling better, he's sick again. I have a feeling that this is going to take us through to Christmas. Speaking of which, we won't get our tree this year because it's too much of a hassle right now. I haven't wrapped any of Logan's presents, or sent any out for that matter. PLUS...the in-laws are coming.


Anonymous said...

Ah, just what we all wanted, a nice illness for Christmas.. *sarcastic look* I am so sorry to hear that you two are still sick! I'm not sure how the weather has been over there in Oregon, but with all of the freezing temps and then warm ups no wonder everyone's so sick. Yesterday, it was 70 here!! My husband and I joked that yeah, it's nice weather, but perfect for pneumonia. LOL Anywho, I hope you two get better fast. And don't worry about the tree, presents, and all of that. If you two feel better, that's a great gift in itself. =)

liz said...

Oh no!
I hope you're all feeling better quickly. It should pass quickly!

I also had great luck with the leftover Reglan. Three cheers for the leftover Reglan!

Reesh said...

Yikes!! That sounds bloody awful and stressful right before Christmas!! I really hope you are all feeling better right quick and have a great healthy Christmas!!