Friday, April 28, 2006

It's not really "mom hair".
Since Logan has been able to grab, I've decided it was time to get my hair cut. My hair hasn't been this long since 7th grade when I could tilt my head back & actually sit on my hair. This time I've let it grow to the middle of my back just underneath my shoulder blades.

Bill has a trade-out worked out with the salon next to the gym, so everyone there gets their hair done for free. This was the perfect situation for me! I was a little worried about Logan making a fuss while I would be stuck in the chair, but Bill reassured me that when he talked to the stylist, she said that tons of women bring their babies in with them. It wouldn't be a problem at all.

Since I was going to get a pretty drastic cut & go short, I thought that I might have enough hair to donate to Locks of Love. When Bill called the stylist to make the appointment for me, he mentioned this to her. I got there this morning & we measured my hair to see if I met the 10 inch length minimum. Fortunately I did & even had some to spare. I was a little relieved that I wouldn't have to really get a "mom" cut, but I was prepared to do it if I had to. She pulled my hair back into a pony tail & cut close to 11 inches off.

She did a great job. I totally love my hair! It's short enough to not get in the way & give Logan something else to grab on to, but it's not too short where I look like a P.E. teacher. No, this style looks pretty cute, if I say so myself.

It's so funny how changes in hair styles mimic changes in life. When someone breaks up or divorces a significant other, they get their hair done. When you become a mother, you get your hair cut. It feels nice to have a little style again. This is a good change that makes me feel like I'm back in the land of the living (or at least the land of the well groomed).


Dawn @ Bent, not broken said...

Very nice haircut! =D I used to always go, "damn..all of these moms have such short hair. WTH?" and this was when I was more naive and before my son was born. And now....boy ...oh.....boy.... NOW I UNDERSTAND. LOL

Jezer said...

What a gorgeous photo of you and Logan!!! Your look beautiful and he looks so happy. Adorable 'do!

liz said...

Your son is adorable...and the haircut is great!

the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

LOVE the hair. And sweetie, call/email me if you want some tips about living on the cheap. We live on like $2K/month right now, and it's totally do-able.

Canadian Mommy said...

I love the haircut! It looks soo cute, and not at all mom-like!