Monday, April 03, 2006

I figured it was time to try something new.
Recently, I've been worried that I'm not doing it "right". Being a mom that is. There are some things that I feel I have a good handle on & then there are other things that I'm just wingin' it. During the day we have a great time singing, cuddling, talking to each other & doing our tummy time work outs. I was talking to one of my sisters last week about his "work outs". In a text message I listed all of the things we do, thinking, "Oh my God, he's really been working out since he was 4 weeks old". She asked, "Does he like it"? The truth is, he loves it. I mentioned how he just thinks it's play time, while his sneaky mom knows that it's play time with a purpose. He's getting stronger & learning about his body. We also talk, so his communication skills are sharpening. I read to him if he gets too tired of the physical stuff & try to teach him about his toys & the noises they make. He's all smiles until he gets tired of it all & then we take a nap or just chill out for a while. So, I think I'm doing this stuff right.

I guess the thing I'm most worried about is not having a schedule. I came to the conclusion that Logan is his own person & not a programmable robot. We had a really nice schedule for about 3 days, then it all went to pot. I'm not so much concerned about daytime routines, but most certainly about sleeping routines. Lately he's been either refusing to nap or sleeping all day. If he's on the sleepy side during the day, it is so totally pointless to try & keep him up. He just gets overtired & very grumpy. Then when it comes to bed time, he puts up a fight. There have been nights where I just walk into our room to put him down & he starts to cry...for hours.

After reading up on tons of conflicting information, theories & suggestions, I decided to try something new. Logan hates his crib. He's been sleeping in his bassinet in our room at night & napping in his swing during the day. The instant I put him down in the crib, he hates me. I've tried to keep him in there to just look at his mobile, with little success. Last night we were going to watch the Sopranos. Every time we do & Logan is in bed in our room, he'll wake up crying about 20 times making me miss pretty much the whole episode. It sucks. So, I got him to sleep & put him in the crib, halfway expecting the same routine, but at least I wouldn't have to run down a flight of stairs to our room. This way, his room is next to the loft & it would take me just a minute to run in there & pop the binki back in his mouth.

We're half way through the show when I realize that Logan hasn't made a peep. I get a little worried & sneak into his room to check on him. He's out cold. Awesome. When it's time for Bill & I to go to bed, Logan still hasn't even moved. I go in to make sure he's still breathing. Everything checks out ok. Then I think, "My hell, he's going to sleep in there all night"! Not really expecting this situation to happen, I feel unprepared. We haven't purchased monitors yet, because he's been at the foot of our bed. I'm in somewhat of a conundrum. He's sleeping in the place I want him to, but if I pick him up to take him into our room, I'll be up for hours trying to get him back to sleep. I know that if we keep our door open & his door open, I will without a doubt hear him. But now I'm second guessing myself. What if I don't hear him? I decided to sleep in the guest room next to Logan's.

He slept in there all night. Not through the night, but he went back to sleep after nursing. I could hear him waking up & trying to soothe himself, or maybe he was just talking to the birds dangling from his mobile. Either way, he didn't wake up screaming like he usually does. I think he got a pretty good nights sleep in there. Me on the other hand, not so much. I slept, but it wasn't quality sleep. I kept my ears open so I could hear him, even though he was just a few feet away. I tried to put on my eyeliner this morning & couldn't keep my eyes open. I feel like a zombie. However, last night gave me new hope. Hope that someday soon, he'll be sleeping in his own room & closer to sleeping through the night. I can't wait to catch up on the sleep I so desperately need.

1 comment: said...

Congrats on him sleeping in his crib! I hope it continues :)