Sunday, July 02, 2006

Musical Genius
Last night when Bill got home from work, I told him about Logan sitting up by himself & showed him the pictures. We propped him up & played with his little musical keyboard again. He bounced a couple of times like he was dancing. It was too cute. "Do you think he would like the other keyboard?" Bill asked.

Now, Logan has always liked music, even since before he was born. I would listen to something when I was putting around the house & he would kick up a storm. After he was born, I could put on that very same music when he was fussy & he would start to calm down. Still to this day there are a couple of songs that will instantly make him happy. I've always known that music would be a big part of his life, just as it is with Bill & myself. I never thought that we would introduce him to something like this so early though.

Bill pulled the keyboard off of the stand & set it up in front of Logan. He loved it! It was way more interesting than his "baby" keyboard. It was so funny, Bill had the video camera & I was taking pictures. Man, are we dorky parents or what. We didn't even get any good video (bummer). He had so much fun, I'm going to keep it out for him to play with everyday.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. He looks like he's concentrating so hard!

liz said...

Holy cats, he is cute. He looks so grown up!
Love that he's playing an actual-factual keyboard.
Henry is the same way. We had a mix of music that we played while he was in my belly. We played this mix while I was in labor, too. Now, when Henry hears some of these songs, he definitley reacts.
Isn't it amazing how visceral and important a musical experience can be?

the boyd girls.... said...

He is soo cute! He looks so grown up!I can't get over how precious these pics are....