Sunday, July 09, 2006

When I'm upset, I do house work.
This morning I realized that I'm weird. I guess it's not a new realization, but more of a confirmation. I have been under the most unbelievable stress, the most stress I've ever been in almost all of my life. There's the financial stress, the stress of selling our new house, the stress of being in isolation at home all day long, the stress of dealing with a teething, gassy baby who doesn't seem to need any sleep to function & the effects of all of this stress on our marriage. It's been one rough ride.

For some reason when I'm upset or when Bill & I have an argument, I clean the house. Without fail, we have words, I unload the dishwasher. Bill does something that infuriates me, I do laundry. We bicker & I'm in the kitchen with Simple Green & a sponge. It's an automatic response.

The last few days have been hard on our relationship. Well really, the last few months, but especially the past couple of days. This morning I'm up with Logan (who decided to start his day 2 hours earlier than usual) & Bill wakes up & comes upstairs. "I saw our neighbor mowed our lawn for us". "That wasn't him. It was me", I said. "What? You mowed the lawn? Did you used to weed whacker too?". "Yeah", I say nonchalantly. "In all of our years, you've never once done yard work before", he says. "Well, I was really pissed & I wasn't about to ask you to do it". He laughs, "Wow. It looks much better than when I do it". Apparently when I'm irate, we have an immaculate house & really nice yard.


Unknown said...

You are too funny! I like to start unloading the dishwasher WHILE we're fighting and it pisses my hubby off.

Things have been kind of stressful here the past couple of days as well, it really sucks. Especially when you're the one caring for the baby... it kind of makes me feel a little vulnerable or something. I can't really describe it. But anyway just know you're not alone out there!

Anonymous said...

How ever did you mow without him not noticing you were mowing?

I always do the yardwork, but it's like coordinating the battle movements of a small country trying to get him to watch the boys for a few hours while I do it...

Anonymous said...

I clean when upset too. I think it's a control thing. If I can't control the situation (i.e. him), I figure I will control the state of cleanliness the house is in.

I hope things work themselves out for you soon. I know outside pressures can really take their toll -- you're in my thoughts and heart. Stay strong and keep believing!

Canadian Mommy said...

We could be sisters. I swear it! Maybe its the no longer mormon in us?
My high school boyfriend used to do a mock of me and he would run around frantically saying 'i'm beth, i'm mad, i'm gonna clean, get outta my way' LOL!
Hopefully things will pass soon, and you'll be in a new house in a new city before you know it!

Rachel said...

I do the same thing. I've never actually mowed the lawn though.