Tuesday, September 12, 2006

32 weeks
I can't believe how much energy this kid has. Now that he's crawling everywhere, it seems like he's always on the go & never stops. Last night after his bath, we decided it would be good for him to have some naked time. He's had a pretty persistent rash & I don't think the creams are working that well. I'm almost thinking it could be a food allergy, but since I thought that it was just a rash, I don't know what food it could be.

So Logan loved naked time. I put 4 big beach towels on the floor, just in case. He crawled faster than I've ever seen him crawl before. It was almost like a sprint. He went everywhere & off of the towels, of course. He really likes to "walk" now too. So we were holding his hands & he walked all over the living room. He was so active that he was starting to breath heavily. He was having such a good time.

We've been going to the park a lot lately. Logan loves to swing, slide & play in the grass. Bill has been able to come along the last couple of times too. It's been amazing to see the bond between the two of them grow since we've moved. Bill is Logans play pal. They have such a good time together. I noticed this for the first time when I was giving Logan a bath instead of Bill. When Dad walked into the bathroom, Logan was so excited. He smiled so big & splashed everywhere.

They've had a lot of time together recently. Since I've made it a priority to go to the gym, Bill & Logan hang back & play. Bill talks about how much fun it is & how he looks forward to their time together while I'm gone. It's been so nice for me because while I get some "me" time, I know they are having fun & everything is ok. Logan hasn't been as clingy to me either & has actually been reaching out for his Dad sometimes. Yeah!
Teething is rearing it's ugly head again. Logan was a little fussy in the late afternoon & was using his binky to rub his gums with his "pit bull" shake. He likes it when I hold his binky & rub for him. I think I can do it faster & with more pressure. I gave him a cold dinner & he bit the spoon every time. I gave him some baby Orajel & Hylands too. Before bed I gave him a little Tylenol. He slept well, until 3 am. Then it wasn't very fun. I ended up bringing him to bed to cuddle with me after he cried off & on for about an hour. Hopefully he feels better soon.

Logan has changed up his sleeping pattern a bit. He used to wake up at 6-6:30 am to then fall back asleep until 9 am. Then he took naps at 10 am, 2-3 pm & sometimes at 5 pm. They were never very long, usually lasting about 30 minutes. He was always ready to go to bed by 8 pm.

Now he's waking up around 5 am, falls back asleep until 7 am & he's ready to start his day. He will nap somewhere between 9:30-10 am & sleeping for a long time. Like an hour and a half or more. He takes another nap at about 2 or 3 again & sleeps for 45 minutes or longer. He's only taking a third nap if he's been really active that day, but he's consistently pushed his bedtime back to 9 pm. He's been keeping me so busy that my bedtime has gone from midnight, to falling asleep on the couch by 10 pm.

Logan has figured out how to use his voice in a new way. It's kind of a high pitched squeak. He does it when he "talks" to Buddha or when he "talks" to us from crawling around on the floor. It's like he's telling us that he's excited about all of his new discoveries. I love it, it's so cute.

Logan is trying to really talk too. He's not very consistent, maybe a little shy about it. We think he says "hey" & "hi" along with "mom", but he only says "mom" when he's upset & only on occasion. He still says "key" for "kitty". I was feeding him dinner the other day & Kitty stood up & put her paws on the tray to see what he was eating. Logan looked over & smiled really big, "Hey key!" I was very surprised & very excited. This happens so infrequently, that I don't know if it's "real". I hope it is!


Anonymous said...

He's really growing. Pretty soon he'll be running all around!

Anonymous said...

We're pretty sure Ava has said a few things too, but they're so infrequent as well that we can't really tell yet. We've heard her say "hi" and the other day she said "mama." It sounded all too real to us so I'm sure Logan's is too! He's a smarty pants :)

Reesh said...

His sleeping pattern sounds a lot like Lily's. Maybe it's how all babies born on Jan. 31st sleep?!!

Anonymous said...

I believe he's talking already! It's awesome to hear it; the first time Kira said "hi", I blinked at her and said it back to her and she gave me the biggest grins ever. (Don't listen to all the nutjobs who tell you he isn't talking, and it's just madeup words either - grr)

You all look so happy; those are some beautiful photos!!

Dawn @ Bent, not broken said...

He's such a big boy! I was wondering..do you have any idea how tall he is? I love the photos too..they are great. I laughed so hard when we took James to the park because he hated it. LOL!! When he gets nervous or doesn't like something he tugs on his ears. LOL aww.. but anyways, you have such a beautiful little boy. and yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he is trying to talk already. He just seem so much older than 7 months! ;)

Kristin said...

We just measured him this morning. He's 28 inches tall. We don't have a scale so I don't know how much he weighs. We'll be able to get him in for his six month check up (a month late) in the next couple of weeks, so we'll see then.

Wow, it might be time to get him another car seat!

Dawn @ Bent, not broken said...

Wow, Kristen thanks!!! Yeah, he is so tall!!!! When I looked at your pictures, especially with him sitting on the sliding board he looked like a 1 year old. LOL! =)