Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sleeping in his own bed
This really makes me want to cry. Logan is going to start sleeping in his own bed from the time we put him down to the time we get up & start our morning.

Logan has always been pretty good about going to bed. There have been only a few challenges here & there. Now, he is an all star sleeper. I put him down & he know's it's time to sleep. I don't even have to turn on his mobile anymore. All he needs is his blanket & binky & he's out like a light.

He's been sleeping through the night for a little over a month. He always wakes up at 5 or 6 am to nurse & from the beginning, I've always kept him in bed to cuddle for a few more hours. I was so tired from getting up throughout the night, co-sleeping for those few hours in the morning was essential. There's no excuse anymore. I'm getting a good nights sleep (sort of) because he's doing so well at night. He wakes up & cries for just a minute maybe once or twice, but he settles back down pretty quick on his own.

This morning he woke up at 5:45 am to nurse. Like always, I brought him into bed, nursed & then cuddled. We were sleeping with our window open & it was very windy out. Logan kept watching the wind blow through the tree in the back yard & making his "hooting" sounds. I thought to myself, "He's not going to go back to sleep at all. He's just going to lay here & look out the window". So I picked him up & put him back to bed in his crib. He fussed once shortly after I got back into bed & I had to get up to settle him back down. Then he slept until 8:30 am.

We all slept really well this morning. My gut was telling me that it was time to let Logan sleep in his own bed, all of the time.

This is so bittersweet. On one hand, it's really good. I thought that co-sleeping in the morning was one of those "parenting mistakes" that I was making. I was willing to do it because I was so tired. I knew that there may be a battle of the beds down the line & I was preparing myself for the war ahead. I don't have to though. Logan's ready & willing to be easy about it.

On the other hand, it's really sad. Our cuddle time in the morning was one of my favorite times of the day. It was so nice to snuggle & then to open my eyes & see him looking at me, smiling. It was an amazing way to start the day. It was so special. It's over & it makes me want to cry. There is a lump in my throat & my eyes are welling up as I type this out. Ok, now I'm crying. In my coffee. Great.

In celebration of Logans independence, which really is important to me...for his sake, I made another montage. It seems like an appropriate way to "let go" on this windy, gray, cold morning. And of course, it's sentimental & sappy. Like they all are.


Anonymous said...

Thats a great slide show. Its amazing to see how fast he has grown up already! I know it is an emotional time, but he will always be our little man.

Anonymous said...

Aww... I felt the same way when we moved Kira into her own bed, and then worse when we moved her into her own room! I was so sad and I missed her so much and so did her Daddy. She's been out of our room for about 3 months now, and it's funny... she can no longer sleep in there at all. She *has* to be in her own bed or she stays awake! :\

liz said...

How sweet that montage is. There's truly nothing like a sleeping baby.
And Bill's comment? Made. Me. Cry.
I was just talking with a friend about how sad it makes me that we were such sleeping nazis that Henry and I never had cuddle time. He's been in his crib in his own room since 9 weeks. I didn't know I would miss something I never really had.
I know it's tough to lose that special morning time, but you'll have so many more special times together.