Friday, September 15, 2006

To beta or not to beta. That is the question.
The big buzz in the blogger world is blogging in beta. When I first saw this option, I didn't think I was that impressed. "Meh", combined with a shoulder shrug. However, it seems like everyone is switching over. My big concern is once you do it, you can't go back. I would die if anything happened to all of my entries. I would lock myself in my room for weeks, I'm sure.

So, what do you all think? For those who've switched, do you like it? Is it really that much better? Or could you have lived just as well keeping it the way it was? For those who aren't going to, why?

Enquiring minds want to know...


j.sterling said...

i've heard to wait it out until they fix all the bugs.. THEN switch

Anonymous said...

I just switched out of curiousity. I played a bit with my template with their new "easier" features. In the end I just reloaded my old template cause I'm not too happy with their new features. The whole time I was changing things up though they said i could at any time re-load my original template. I made a back up of it just to be sure, but in the end I didn't need it as sure enough, I was able to re-load the original no problem. The one thing I've noticed and quite like is that when people leave comments now it tells me which post they are leaving the comments on which is handy.

Oh and this is pretty annoying. I just tried to leave this comment and it said that blogger beta users cannot yet leave comments on Non blogger beta users sites!! It says it's coming soon but I wish I knew that before I switched over!! said...

What are the new changes?

Anonymous said...

I switched just for the heck of it and it seems pretty nifty. I mostly like that I can log in with my google account and now I can get to my blog from my email.

Jezer said...

I'm staying put. I know enough html to change my template whenever I want, and I'm not too terribly put out that I can't use categories. If/when I move, it will be to (which I've already bought) and with Movable Type or whatever the preferred thingamadoochie is when the time comes.

Isabel said...

I don't know anything about it, except that you can/can't leave comments. That part sounds horrible!

Anonymous said...

I switched, because I am/was under the impression that everyone will have to within a few months, anyway. I figured I might as well get it over with. I had no trouble whatsoever. But now I can't leave comments on a non-beta blog unless I sign in as "other", and if the person doesn't allow anonymous comments I can't comment at all.