Thursday, November 16, 2006

40 weeks old
This has been a fun week for Logan. Physically, he keeps moving & moving. He's been crawling faster than his arms will go & occasionally trips over them, resulting in a face plant on the floor. He continues to pull up onto everything, especially the couch. He's cruising faster as well. He stands by himself for a few seconds. We practice, but he thinks it's a game to sit, rather than balance. I'll hold his hands & ask him if he's ready. He giggles & squeals & gently sits down. It's pretty funny. We've been "walking" around the living room while I hold only one of his hands. He does really well with that. His favorite however, is pushing an empty Pampers box across the room. He walks all over the place with that. Who says you really need baby toys?

Logan is more involved with his toys now. He sits & "reads" to himself. He'll flip the pages of his books. He knows how to put blocks in his bucket & toys in the toy box. He knows how to turn on all of his battery powered toys. When he gets really excited, he kicks his legs up & down. He does this when he has a tantrum too. The playgroup has been great for him because he gets to play with a lot of new toys. He likes puzzles & cars (of course). He loves to play with the activity tables too. He thinks being chased is the most fun game ever. He tries to get Buddha to chase him still, but with no luck. He also tries to give Buddha his binky. Gross, but funny. He's tried to get some of the kids in the playgroup to chase him, but they haven't caught on yet.

Socially, he's having a blast. He still has a bit of stranger anxiety. Some days are better than others. After he warms up, he becomes adventurous & explores who's home were at. He's not as timid with the other kids & has started to take his toys back if someone takes them from him. He's even been the one to take away toys from someone else. He still flirts with the Moms more though & they all think he's so cute.

Logan is more vocal this week. He's been making "K" sounds, but not much more than that. We haven't heard anymore "Mom" cries. He made some "G' sounds for a few days, but it didn't last long. His ultimate favorite is singing. He sings "Ahhhh" at the top of his lungs, where ever we go. In the car (for the entire ride), on the changing table, in the store. We went grocery shopping yesterday & he sang the whole time in the cart. So much that the old ladies laughed & commented on how they think we have a natural born singer on our hands.

He continues to eat mostly table food. He still stores spoonfuls in his cheeks like a squirrel. It still scares the crap out of me. We think he might be allergic to eggplant because after he eats, his mouth turns red just like a Kool-aid smile. He's had yogurt & cheese & it hasn't bothered him at all. He continues to nurse every three hours, but we're working on every four to five hours. He's made it a few times. I think he is getting more to eat that way because I've noticed a small decrease in his appetite at the table. He's not that interested at times. I've also read that this is a normal stage at this age, so who knows.

His sleeping habits are starting to change a little. He still goes to bed at 8 pm. He still wakes up between 6 & 8 am. It's his naps that are off. Some days he's now taking just one morning nap. But others, he's back to two or three nap days. I think he's trying to ween down to one, but he's so busy that he just wears himself out.

Logan is a snuggle baby. He won't cuddle with Bill, but when I'm on the floor playing with him, he is constantly laying over my lap so I can rub his back, or laying his head on my lap so I can play with his hair. He will stop playing every now & then to climb up into my arms & watch TV for a minute, then goes back to whatever he was playing with. Sometimes I wonder if he's learned how to kiss because he'll come at my knees with a wide open mouth, but he doesn't bite or gum. Just drools. He did this with my hand while at the store yesterday. I'm still wondering if it's teething (which will be a topic for another day).

This month with Logan has been so fun. He is growing up to be such a cute, sweet & smart little man & way too fast!


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, that is TOTALLY kissing. Totally.

Anonymous said...

Awww. He sounds like such a sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

You've got such a wonderful little man on your hands. You and Bill are truly lucky (and so is Logan). ;)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just the best?!