Saturday, November 04, 2006

An eventful uneventful day
Today was just a regular day. Full of running errands & hanging out at home. We picked up a sippy cup with a straw for Logan while we were out. He's been putting up a fight with drinking out of a cup because I'm helping him out. He would rather hold the cup & throw water all over the place. He won't drink from a regular sippy cup & ends up chewing on the nub, not realizing that he has to tilt his head back. We'll see how it goes tomorrow morning.

When we got home & settled in, Bill had the stereo blasting, looking for more CD's to burn. Logan was in the computer room with him while I was reading baby magazines at the kitchen table. Bill started laughing. "He really likes this! He's dancing!" I looked down into the den & sure enough, there he was, hanging onto the futon & bouncing up & down with a big smile. I couldn't help but laugh to see him dancing to Phish.

He didn't sleep very well in his naps today. His morning nap was 30 minutes & he really didn't even sleep at all while we were driving around. After dancing in the den, I took him up into the living room to play. Logan was playing on the floor & I was laying on the couch. He started to get grumpy, crawled over to me & pulled himself up by the couch, holding out his arms for me to pick him up. I picked him up while he fussed, practically collapsing on my chest from exhaustion. He quickly cuddled up, snuggled in, rested his head on my chest & fell asleep. For two hours. I was hostage, but didn't mind one bit. He was so cute. I didn't want to sleep, so it gave me some time to catch up on whatever I had on the DVR while basking in the sweetness of the sleeping little man.

After he woke up, I made him some dinner. He ate watermelon for the first time (as a finger food) this afternoon & instead of pureeing his chicken, I broke it up into little chunks. He ate it just fine. Even without any teeth (the one is still trying to poke through). I can't believe how "big" he's getting.

Even during a run of the mill, regular old day, there were some "eventful" happenings. It's funny how life with a baby is never really boring.


Dawn @ Bent, not broken said...

AWWW...I love how he fell asleep on you. That's so sweet!!

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky that you can get him to sleep on you. Kira's only ever done that once with me (outside of her newborn stage) and I so miss it.

She has the same troubles with the sippy cups too, though she can drink from a straw with no problems at all. She just can't figure out that she's gotta suck through the nub and not just chew on it!

Canadian Mommy said...

I love those regular days, where everything is very simple, but being a mom makes it special!
I had to hold Clark all day for naps on Sunday. I can't say I minded!

Anonymous said...

We literally have every sippy cup imagineable at our house. I still haven't found "the one!" I haven't tried one with a straw yet, so that will be next on our list.

I have to help her drink out of a regular cup too and sure would like to find something she can use herself AND avoid the water puddles all over the floor.

Let us know how the straw works out for Logan.