Sunday, May 21, 2006

Now this is the way he rolls
We spent a lot of time playing on the floor today, getting some quality tummy time in. I saw a video of another baby about Logan's age almost crawling & he hasn't mastered the technique of rolling over yet. I thought we might need a little more practice.

Well, he's got it down now! I've been trying to get some video of it, but he's really tired after all of his hard work. He's done about 10 reps & he's pretty tuckered out. I start to tape & he screams like he's getting tortured. That's not really fun to watch. However, I did get some pictures. I'll update with video when he's rested & wanting to practice some more.

Starting out with his friend, The Frog

Keeping his eye on The Frog

He did it!
I'm so proud of him!


the boyd girls.... said...

yeah! How exciting! I have been meaing to comment on the going back to work thing, only if you lived where I live, I know 4 people who need a person to keep their babies....some who will pay pretty darn well.... Good Luck!

Avorie said...

Oh, how funny! Lilly is learning to roll the other way - from front to back. She hasn't tried rolling like Logan yet. said...

WOOT! Okay and HOW are you getting him to roll over? My daughter isn't even remotely interested in doing this!

Canadian Mommy said...

Cute! Claire started out from back to front instead. So fun to watch the stages of a baby!

Rachel said...

That's so cool! They learn so fast.

Kristin said...

We've spent weeks working on tummy time (he had to do a lot of tummy to tummy work on me for a while). He has great head/neck/trunk control, so I was wondering why he wasn't rolling. I figured out that he just didn't know that it was something he could do. I had to roll him a few times & then he understood that he could do it himself. Now, the minute I put him on his stomach, he's trying to roll :)